Have you ever thought about whether you have a job or a career? You know, “just a job” or a real career. What’s the difference? Does it matter? Those are great questions. To look for answers, however, we must first examine the differences. We’ll begin with the textbook definition of each. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a job as “a regular remunerative position.” In other words, a position at which you work for pay. The same source defines a career as “a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.” Notice the word “calling.” The definition of a calling is “a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action.” Aside from just receiving pay, do you have a strong inner impulse to go to work every day?
Where Do You Stand?
To further explore the differences, take this short quiz about your feelings toward your current position or line of work. Give each question serious thought and answer completely honestly.
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